Round Robin Lead Assignment (RRLA)
What is RRLA?
Round Robin Lead Assignment (RRLA) is the most customizable Round Robin lead assignment solution available now on the Salesforce Appexchange. Multiple round robin assignment groups are supported with filtering by Country, US States/Canadian Provinces, Zipcode, and ANY lead picklist fields - standard or custom. RRLA works with all lead channels including web to lead, Marketing integration leads, the Salesforce UI or mass imported leads. Setup and group membership is flexible and easy to maintain. RRLA 2.0 is available on the Appexchange. See RRLA 2.0 Pricing Details.
Benefits of RRLA

Flexible: Supports multi round robin assignment groups with the ability to use custom fields for matching on create and/or update

Robust: Flag which leads should be assigned by RRLA from any lead channels including web to lead, Marketing integration leads, the Salesforce UI or mass imported leads.

Easy To Use: Simple to set up, use, and monitor
Use RRLA 2.0 Quick Start to install and set up basic Round Robin Assignment. This is a good starting point to get a feel for how RRLA works and how it could be used in your organization.
(Previous Version) Link to RRLA 1.0 Quick Start
Use RRLA 2.0 Setup & User Guide to gain a more detailed understanding of both configuration and set up options for multiple lead channels. Learn how the matching and member ordering works as well as global settings like Call Active Assignment Rule. Understand more about notifications and monitoring and Mass Reassignment options.
(Previous Version) Link to RRLA 1.0 Setup & User Guide
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